Cleaning using a pressure washer is not as easy and is usually best left to the professionals. If you’re more of a DIY person, here’s what you need to know. 

A pressure washer is basically a nozzle connected to a garden hose pipe that helps you clean with pressurized water. The pressure washer uses a gas or electric motor to power a pump that pressurizes water from your garden hose. There are two types of pressure washers; electric and gas. Electric is usually low pressure hence most suitable for home use. Garden pressure has higher pressure and is used to wash tougher grime. Click here to know more about pressure washers and the services you can actually get to make your cleaning work easy and fast!

Before we go through how to use a pressure washer, there are a few things that would be worth noting: 

  1. When you buy or rent a pressure washer, consider the pressure and how it’s going to suit your washing. Also, consider the brand and reputation of the pressure washer you are buying.
  1. Secondly and most important! Ensure that you stick to safety standards such as these: 
  • When You Toss The Zero Degree Nozzle (Red), It Sprouts Straight Narrow Stream Of Water Which Is Dangerous
  • Wear Protective Gears And Prepare Your Surroundings
  • Cover What You Consider Important To Avoid Damage
  • Don’t Point The Pressurized Water At Anyone. Not Even Yourself. 
  • Avoid A Ladder. Height Combined With Pressurized Water Equals Disaster! If You Are Using an Electric Pressure Washer, Be Sure To Read The Manual Carefully.
  • Water And Electricity Don’t Mix. You Wouldn’t Want To Electrocute Yourself. 
  • Now you don’t fancy grabbing a brush and scrubbing that floor, grill, gutter, or your car. Don’t fret! With these easy steps, you will be able to save time and energy while cleaning when you use the pressure washer. 
  1. Clear The Area – Sweep or brush all loose dirt and debris from the surface you want to pressure wash.
  1. Assemble The Garden Hose – Get the garden hose ready and connect it to the water inlet. Ensure there is enough water supply for the duration of the cleaning process. 
  1. Make Sure Everything Is Okay – Ensure that the pressure hose is free of clogs, kinks, or air. If you are using soap, fill the detergent reservoir with a detergent solution(multi-purpose power washer soap is recommended for use in pressure washing). 

Thereafter, set up the spray wand to off or a low-pressure setting to prevent kickback when the washer is started. Washers with variable nozzles should be on a low-pressure level and on a wide-angle setting. 

At this point, make sure there’s no tip on a washer that uses interchangeable tips.

Turn the faucet on fully and squeeze the wand to release air pressure. Also, ensure that there are no leaks in the hose connections.

  1. Start The Engine Or Motor

For a gas power washer, adjust the choke and throttle if needed, brace your foot against a wheel to steady the machine, then pull the starter cord to start the engine. For electricity, plug into a power outlet and flip the on/off switch to “on. “

Do a test run on a small area and never let the pressure washer be idle for longer than 3-5 minutes. This helps prevent the pump from overheating.

With the trigger off, attach a low-pressure nozzle, or keep the adjustable nozzle on low. Always start with low pressure and work your way up. Always hold the wand firmly and stand with the balance to avoid being knocked off.

Start moving while keeping the pressure low and keep moving. Don’t stay in one spot or you risk damage to the surface. Move the spray in overlapping lines to avoid streaks. If you need more pressure, try moving the spray closer to the surface, but no more than 6 inches away. 

Alternatively, you could lock the trigger on the wand and attach a higher pressure tip. Do this until the whole surface is cleaned.